Category: Video

Essence + IRIS.TV: Targeting with Transparency in CTV

In this fireside chat from Digiday's Future of TV Forum, VP of US Media Partnerships Todd Goldberg speaks with Mike Fisher, VP Advanced TV & Audio at Essence, to talk about targeting with transparency in CTV. Mike oversees Essence’s Advanced TV.
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Targeting in CTV: The New Data Paradigm

Targeting in CTV: The New Data Paradigm (31 minutes) Fewer ads. More relevance. A better viewer experience. Improved call-to-action and transparency. This is the potential of effectively using data to better target streaming TV viewers. What’s.
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Verizon Media - How to Increase OTT Monetization with Increased Engagement

IRIS.TV has partnered with Verizon Media, integrating our video personalization suite into their Media Platform. Verizon Media customers have access to the world leader in video recommendations and programming automation tools.
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Podcast: Venture Fuel - Brand Safe Video Intelligence

Brand Safe Video Intelligence - IRIS.TV Founder Field Garthwaite and Head of Brand Strategy Michael Kahn IRIS.TV CEO & Co-Founder Field Garthwaite and Head of Brand & Agency Channel Strategy Michael Kahn join the VentureFuel podcast with Fred.
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Fireside Chat: Ep 2 - Cookies, Context, and Future of Advertising

In this episode, MK sits down with Nick Rau, Co-founder of Vizu to discuss the retirement of cookies and its impact on privacy and targeted advertising.
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Michael Kahn: A Personal Statement

I (Michael Kahn aka MK) am thrilled to be joining IRIS.TV to lead Brand & Agency Channel Strategy, bringing their first-to-market video solution for a brand-safe, privacy-driven, post-cookie world to leading marketers globally.
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Cannes Lions: Bringing Together Relevant Ad and Content Experiences for Video

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Akamai TV - IRIS.TV Leads AI, Machine Learning, and OTT Video Personalization

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McKinsey & Company talks to IRIS.TV CEO About TV Personalization

In this video with McKinsey, IRIS.TV CEO & Co-Founder Field Garthwaite discusses how IRIS.TV’s video personalization and intelligence allow media companies to fully capture and standardize user consumption behavior to keep audiences engaged with.
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Verizon Digital Media Services Cements Partnership with IRIS.TV

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